Build your personalized AI Assistant Faster than ever

Turn Ideas into Personalized AI Copilot Apps in Minutes
with our No-Code Solution

Accelerated By

Industry-Leading Partners & Experts for Empowering Innovation & Development

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Building a AI Copilot takes months

Managing accuracy, latency, and costs demands time and effort. Existing solutions fall short due to the following limitations

  • Slow and Disconnected

    The Gen AI tools lacks cohesion, and existing platforms struggle to operate seamlessly across multiple enterprise applications

  • Low accuracy

    Public Large Language models lacks customer specific context, so they are more prone to hallucination and inaccurate results.

  • High Risk

    Insufficient security measures poses risk of leakage of private data. Also, it lacks observability and audit logging

Designed specifically to overcome these challenges and help customers

Build, Customize and Deploy your Copilot seamlessly

Empower every role in your organization with their own specialized copilot, tailored to their unique needs and responsibilities. Our copilot solution is designed to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and provide invaluable support across diverse roles.

Build and deploy Copilots in just 3 steps


Choose Suitable Template

We offer a variety of pre-built templates. Choose the one that fits your needs best.


Build Knowledge base

Incorporate content into your copilot, which will serve as its knowledge base


Start Using

You're ready to start using your personal copilot, and we assure you of the finest responses.

AI Copilots for Your Unique Needs

Build and Customize Your Own AI Copilots Using Your Data and Integrate Seamlessly with Enterprise Apps

Create Powerful Copilots

Create copilots for each use case. Our task-specific Copilots bringing unmatched accuracy and delivering optimal performance.

Anyone Can Build Copilot

Our tailored task specific template enable anyone to build their own copilot.

Works on your own data

Integrate your own data with copilot to get personalized response. Our support extends to various document formats, including scans, images, and videos.

Integrate with apps

Connect with your enterprise apps, SQL databases and numerous other enterprise apps.

Multiple interfaces

Easily integrate your Copilot to chat, websites, APIs, or instant messengers and many more.

Flexible and Customizable

You may bring your logic to customize your copilots, select right LLM and extend AI capabilities.

Explore our array of ready-to-use Copilot templates

Get Access To All Copilot Templates

Start building AI copilot for yourself and your organization. It's an AI toolkit for everyone.

Empower Every Role with AI Agents

Boost performance across roles with Azna's diverse pre-built apps for customer support, team knowledge bases, HR, Business operations and Data analytics. and more.

Talk to your data with AI Copilot

Search or have conversation with documents to get answers in natural language, along with reference and the source.

  • Support a number of document formats including pdf, scans, docx, xlsx, txt, image, videos, json and code
    Integretion support for other SAAS document store like google drive, dropbox and other enterprise apps
    Engage with all data-sources simultaneously. Supports multiple languages. Get accurate and relevent answers.
  • 20%

    More Efficiency

  • 5 hr

    Save Weekly

  • 30%

    Lesser Errors

Know More

Generate Content based on your data with AI Copilot

With Azna AI copilot, streamline the process of generating reports, insignts, articles, essays and brainstorming ideas.

  • Generate report, insights and website content, draft emails, write essay artiicles easily.
    Get combined insights from data across across multiple sources. Ideal for status reports
    Generate response for your customer with right set of information and in perfect tone.
  • 10X

    Faster Response

  • 60%

    Productivity gain

  • 80%

    Tasks automated

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Automate tasks with AI Copilot

Build your own automation with a the tools and agenst. Assign tasks to them, and rest will be taken care of.

  • Agent for automating the replying or drafting the responses, scedule appointments or tasks
    Agent for automating the data extraction, data error detection, code review and many more.
    Integrate Agent with your CRMs to push all vendor questionnaires/FAQ and RFPs directly.
  • 10X

    Faster Response

  • 60%

    Productivity gain

  • 80%

    Tasks automated

Know More

Build your high performance AI Copilots

Start your AI Journey with Azna

Let us know how we can help

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have, We look forward to hearing from you .

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    131 Continental Dr, Newark, Delaware 19713

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